Barnabas Financial Ministry


People often mistakenly think that financial planning professionals or other Christian organizations funds Barnabas. This is not the case. Barnabas is 100% dependent upon the faithful and generous giving of individuals, business owners, foundations or being a part of a church’s (missions/outreach) budget. Our "Barnabas Encouragers" are those supporters who fund this ministry on a monthly or regularly basis.

Historically, one-on-one counseling has always been offered on a voluntary fee basis. The majority of people we counsel do not have extra money and many are in serious financial situations. It is the financial backing of our donors that allows us to provide on-going financial counseling to those in need. 

Barnabas Financial Ministry is a 501(c)3 non-profit Christian financial ministry and is totally dependent upon the financial support of individuals, business people, churches, organizations, foundations and endowments.

We invite you to join our team of prayer partners & financial support team.

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