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by David Bragonier

How many so-called "rat-races" have you entered and how well are you faring? Where's your primary focus in life? What material "things" could be slowing you down? These are questions we should ask ourselves often. Our answers reveal the current direction of our life.

Hebrews 12:1-2 can help us focus on God's perspective as we evaluate our lives, finances and direction; "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 11 lists those included in this "great cloud of witnesses." They are faithful servants like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon and David. This list is sometimes referred to as "God's Hall of Faith."

In verse one of Hebrews 11, God defines faith: "The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Faith is the backbone of the Believer's life.

These great "witnesses" have all walked where we walk and experienced our circumstances. These "heroes" should be our role models and their examples should guide our paths. We should take the time to get to know them and the faith that made them successful.

What's our "witness" to others? Do our children, co-workers and neighbors see "heroic faith" in us? Do our lives reflect the love of Jesus? Where are we missing the mark, and why? Together, let's look at some possible reasons and solutions.

Toss Off!

"...lay aside every encumbrance..." The King James Bible uses the words "toss off." Think about athletes in competition. They don't run the race bogged down in street clothes with their pockets stuffed with "things." During a race they set aside everything but the bare essentials. 

In our society it's easy to accumulate "encumbrances" that can hinder our faith. Today, we spend large amounts of time, energy and money chasing after "stuff." Both the process and the "stuff" can have a negative impact on our daily walk with God and our ability to go the distance. 

"...and the sin which so easily entangles us..." We should continually be on the lookout for spiritual "faith killers" like greed, immorality and bitterness. Unrepented sin slows us down and hinders our race. Yes, we may get away with sin for a season, but "be sure your sin will find you out." (Deut. 4:29). When the storms of life hit, we can't make it through the rough weather and we crash spiritually, emotionally and financially.

What "encumbrances" have we allowed into our own life that are slowing us down or taking us off course? What extra baggage have we added to our life since the last time we took inventory? Following Jesus Christ is like running a marathon: we must run light if we're to go the distance with success!

Keep On!

" with endurance the race that is set before us..."  The idea here is "keep on." The Greek suggests a strengthening form of endurance that bears up courageously. Notice that the race is set. It is not "our" race, it's God's and His plan for our lives. If we're going to run God's race and go the distance, we need the right training. Our training must center on His Word (the Bible), prayer and the Fruit of the Spirit.

The Bible is the focal point for hearing His voice, knowing His will and understanding His revelation. Through prayer we communicate with our heavenly Father. The Fruit of the Spirit brings long-term (vs. short-term) victory. The "world" tells us to persevere by running and by having a busy schedule. For those committed to Christ, we persevere by keeping the right priorities and proper sequence: God, spouse, children, work and ministry.

Where have we allowed our priorities to go astray? Are we competing in God's marathon or the "world's" sprint? Do we need to set aside additional time for spiritual training? Are there facets of our life where we've slowly steered off course and made the race ours, not God's? As we analyze our life from God's perspective, what directional changes does He want us to make so we run His race with His endurance? 

ook Up!

"...fixing our eyes on Jesus..."   We must keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ, "the author and perfecter of our faith."

It's so easy to take our eyes off Christ and concentrate on ourselves, our personal "rights," material possessions and temporal goals. However, our focus must remain centered upon Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross and through His resurrection. It's Christ's life, along with these other Biblical heroes who illustrate for us how to live life to our full potential.

What have we allowed into our life that has pulled our focus away from Jesus? What do we need to set aside so we can fully center our attention on Him? How can we better reflect Christ's love?

Finally, notice that Jesus "despised the shame." This means to make of no account, to regard as nothing. He despised the people's "perceived" shame because He was perfect and righteous. It was actually the thoughts and perception of the people that was wrong. This "shame" paled to the joy set before Him, who is now seated at the right hand of God!

People will mock and ridicule some of the Christ-centered decisions we make, such as taking a stand against some "politically correct" issue, even when we do it in love. We could also be ridiculed for such financial decisions as getting totally out of debt, living within our means, living a simple lifestyle or giving away 10%, 25% or 50% of our income to help fund God's work. Such ridicule will pale if our eyes are focused upon Christ.

As we quietly inventory our own lives, what do we need to "toss off" so we can run God's race more efficiently and dynamically? How can we better "keep on" course and run with endurance God's wonderful plan for our life? In what aspects of our life, finances and goals do we need to "look up" and re-focus on Christ? 

I was challenged when I heard some of these points in a recent sermon. I pray you, too, will be challenged, encouraged and strengthened. Christ wants each of us to live a life of heroic faith and thus be a witness for leading others to Him.

May each of us be found faithful in running the race He has set before us.